Reprints Desk currently offers many ways to manage the variable costs of STM document delivery.
Copyright limit:
Most of our customers take advantage of the “copyright limit” feature on their account. You may request a copyright limit at any amount above $75/article. You can then be assured that we will only fill an order if the copyright charge is below this amount. If we determine that the copyright charge will be higher we will send you an email and ask for your authorization before we fill the order. This is the best option if you don’t want to be bothered with verifying citations before ordering from Reprints Desk. This option is available via all order placement methods, and there will always be a default copyright limit on your account even if you also choose to manage costs using one of the other methods.
We offer the ability to get an estimated price on a citation entered into the Reprints Desk order form. You can click 'Check Price and availability" or 'Check price estimate' depending on your current order form. The final price will be determined after the article has been retrieved. The estimation process is very accurate when the citation is complete and correct, but citation problems can result in incorrect estimates. The copyright limit on your account will be honored.
We offer the ability to verify a citation before placing an order, and the verified citation will be used to provide a confirmed price quote for the article. The citation you enter into the Reprints Desk order form will be checked against a database containing millions of journal article citations. If the citation can’t be verified you may still order the article and the copyright limit on your account will be honored.
Price with Delivery:
If your account is enabled with the price with delivery option you can click on the link and view your price on the article download page.
Admin Reports:
Admins can also run reports via on-demand reports available through the Reprints Desk admin portal.
Article Galaxy Widget:
by deploying the Article Galaxy Widget you can view the price prior to placing an order. Additionally, this tool will enable you to identify items held in your subscriptions and quickly link to them:
To enable the Article Galaxy Widget, please fill out this form: