[Instructions below are for Academic Collection customers. Article Galaxy Scholar customers, should use a different BASE-URL]
What It Does
As link resolver software, SFX accepts and parses properly formed OpenURL data and uses this data to direct users to holdings at their respective institution. In other words, it checks to see if the institution owns a copy of or license for the resource and directs the user to it, generally through a link.
SFX Admin Set Up :
- Add local target: DOCDEL_RePrintsDesk_RQST_LOCAL_LCL, getDocumentDelivery
- Activate target
- Move to target service, activate & edit:
- Uncheck: object lookup
- Parser: Generic
- ParseParam: IF()"http://www.reprintsdesk.com/landing/po.aspx?acid=4&sfx=true&genre=" genre "&issn=" ISSN "&volume=" volume "&issue=" issue "&date=" year "-" month "-" day "&atitle=" URLENCODE(atitle) "&aulast=" URLENCODE(@aulast[0]) "," URLENCODE(@aufirst[0]) ".&pages=" spage "-" epage "&source=" sid "&title=" URLENCODE(journalTitle) "&doi=" URLENCODE(doi) "&pubmedid=" URLENCODE(medUID) ""
User Experience :
- Request Document via ReprintsDesk Article Galaxy link/button
- Reprints Desk Order form is auto-populated with citation metadata coming from SFX