What It Does
Connecting EndNote with Article Galaxy enables you to send orders for full-text articles from within EndNote to Reprints Desk.
Depending on what version of EndNote you are using, follow either of these one-time setup option for EndNote installation:
1. Click Edit then Preferences.
2. Click URLs & Links.
3. Select Enable OpenURL.
4. In the OpenURL path box type: http://www.reprintsdesk.com/landing/po.aspx
5. Leave the Arguments box as is.
6. Click OK.
1. Click Edit then Preferences.
2. Click Find Full Text.
3. Select OpenURL.
4. In the OpenURL path box type: http://www.reprintsdesk.com/landing/po.aspx
5. Click OK.
To link from an EndNote citation to a prepopulated Reprints Desk form:
1. In EndNote double click on the desired citation to open the full edit window for item.
2. Click References in the toolbar then Open URL Link (or) right click with mouse and choose Open URL Link.