Using Explore
To probe into a large amount of data when you're brainstorming ideas and not sure what you're looking for, click into the Explore tab from the menu at the top of the page.
Each section of the sunburst represents the number of records that fall within a particular category. As you work your way outwards, the categories get more and more specific while the centermost category is the most broad.
In the example below, there are 410 tech transfer opportunities related to biopsy from our query that fall within engineering.
Each time we select a section of the sunburst, the dataset from our query becomes more specific because we're focusing in on a specific category of data. In this case, we now have applied engineering as a filter and are getting an even more granular view of the search results.
The further out we go in the sunburst, the more specific our search will become. the example below shows the granular categories within biological engineering.
We have found 9 tech transfer opportunities about "biopsy" in the biological engineering field, focusing on neural engineering using this process.