Most copyright charges are set by the publisher. Usually the royalty of an article acquired through our service will be the same as the price on the publisher’s own paywall. But sometimes there are differences, which may happen because the publisher chooses to charge a bit more or a bit less, depending on their perception of the market, the type of customer, or the uses of articles sold via our service.
We pay most royalties directly to the publisher. Some royalties are paid via an RRO (Reproduction Rights Organization). This is usually the case for older content scanned from print, where there is no paywall.
Some of the articles we deliver are purchases from 3rd parties.
Open access articles are usually royalty-free through our service. But there may be exceptions. For example, if your use is commercial and the article has a CC-BY-NC license there may be a royalty fee for the commercial use. Publisher policies on commercial use vary. You may also pay a royalty if you require a Version of Record (VoR) which is behind a paywall, even though a different version of the article may be free to download from a third party repository.
The configuration and settings on your account can play a role in determining some copyright charges.
If you have more questions contact