CRM account administrators can enable ordering for bulk copies of article reprints and eprints used in meetings, tradeshows, physician detailing and other sales and marketing activities. Getting started is simple.
An authorized account administrator can do this by adding a tab in salesforce, then make this option available in the desired group views.
Here's how to add a tab (courtesy of
- Click .
- Click New in the Web Tabs related list.
- Choose a layout for the new tab. The full page width spans across the entire page without the sidebar while the column style allows users to view the sidebar.
- Click Next.
- Choose URL for tab type. Choose Custom S-Control if you have previously created a custom s-control that you want displayed in the web tab. See Defining Custom S-Controls.
- Enter a label to display on the tab.
- Click the Tab Style lookup icon to display the Tab Style Selector.
If a tab style is already in use, a number enclosed in brackets [] appears next to the tab style name. Hover your mouse over the style name to view the tabs that use the style. Click Hide styles which are used on other tabs to filter this list.
- Click a tab style to select the color scheme and icon for the custom tab.
Optionally, click Create your own style on the Tab Style Selector dialog if you want to create a custom tab style and your organization has access to the Documents tab. To create your own tab style:
- Click the Color lookup icon to display the color selection dialog and click a color to select it.
- Click Insert an Image, select the document folder, and select the image you want to use.
Alternatively, click Search in Documents, enter a search term, and click Go! to find a document file name that includes your search term.Note
This dialog only lists files in document folders that are under 20 KB and have the Externally Available checkbox selected in the document property settings. For more information, see uploading images and document property settings. If the document used for the icon is later deleted, replaces it with a default multicolor block icon (
- Select a file and click OK. The New Custom Tab wizard reappears
9. Change the content frame height if necessary.
10. Optionally, select the Mobile Ready checkbox to indicate that the web page displays and functions properly in a mobile web browser.
11. Selecting the checkbox adds the tab to the list of available tabs for your mobile configurations. See Managing Mobile Tabs for information on how to mobilize tabs. Review the considerations for ensuring that the pages in your web tabs are compatible with mobile browsers before mobilizing a web tab.
12. Note that the Mobile Ready checkbox is only visible if Salesforce Mobile is enabled for your organization.
13. Optionally, choose a custom link to use as the introductory splash page when users initially click the tab. See Defining Custom Buttons and Links for information about creating a custom link to use as a splash page for your custom tab. Note that splash pages do not display in the mobile application. Avoid using a splash page if you plan to mobilize the web tab.
14. Enter a description of the tab, if desired, and click Next.
15. Enter the URL or choose the custom s-control that you want to display in the tab. Optionally, copy and paste any merge fields for data that you want replaced in the link dynamically.
16. Remember to include the http:// before your URL. User, organization, and API merge fields are available for web tabs. For details about using merge fields, see Merge Fields Overview.
17. Optionally, click the preview link to display your web tab.
18. For a URL, choose an encoding setting and click Next.
19. Add the web tab to the appropriate profiles. In Tab Visibility, choose Default On, Default Off, or Tab Hidden to determine whether the custom tab is visible to users with that profile. The administrator can change this setting later.
20. Check Append tab to users' existing personal customizations to apply the tab visibility settings to all users.
21. Specify the custom apps that should include the new tab. See What is an App? for information on custom apps.
22. Click Save.